The Power of Words

“You’re stupid, you will never amount to anything.”

“I never loved  you.”

“You will never do better than me.”

“You’re ugly and fat.” 

“You were the worst mistake I ever made.” 

The power of words.  We as humans don’t really understand the damage that our  words can do to a precious soul.  In the book of Proverbs, chapter 18 verse 21 states the following, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.”


Do you even realize the weight that your words hold over an individual? A little girl seeking approval from a parent because she just created what she believes to be her greatest masterpiece.  She eagerly rushes to her father to show him the work she is so proud of.  Her tiny little strokes outlining the face of a person, the whimsical almost Picasso like painting.  Her father looks at the painting, a questionable look appears across his brow, and as she searches his face for words of affirmation, in return she gets, “Oh honey, you should have stayed inside the lines more.”  The little girl walks away, crushed, questioning why it wasn’t good enough?  She will then grow up thinking that anything she does will never be good enough in her father’s eyes.

Perhaps to someone else, they might say, “what’s the big deal?” Her father didn’t say he didn’t like the painting! Ok, try telling that to a 9 year-old who took those words and translated it as “failure,” or “mistake.”  When God speaks, it serves a purpose.  He created us for a plan and purpose.  His words speak truth, brings clarity and direction.  He words never condemn, nor make us feel anything less than we are.  It is no coincidence why there are many other scriptures in the bible that talks about the power of our words.  Look what David writes in Psalms 139 verse 14…

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”

Isn’t it grand to know that your Father in heaven loves you and values you as a person.  Yes, sometimes words hurt and can affect us, but it doesn’t have to dictate the outcome of our lives and how we view ourselves as children of God.

So, let us speak in love and be more aware of how we talk to one another.  Instead of tearing each other down, let us build each other up!

2 thoughts on “The Power of Words

  1. “When God speaks it serves a purpose”

    I loved that and I couldn’t agree more with what you wrote. Our words do have power. They have the power to destroy or build but we decide! We have to be very careful how we speak. The mistake we make is underestimating the power of our words!! A great post and so on point! God bless…..😄



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